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Forfatter: Tittel: "Dette er Guds inndeling"

Innlegg: 2185
Registrert: 21-7-2003
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[*] opprettet den 29-3-2006 kl 04:04
"Dette er Guds inndeling"

For mange arabere i Israel skaper frykt for at det jødiske demokratiet kan komme til å bli erstattes av et muslimsk kalifat.

Her gir det norske Karmel-Institutt sitt bidrag til løsning
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Innlegg: 2185
Registrert: 21-7-2003
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[*] opprettet den 30-3-2006 kl 05:43
Theological ties to Judaism

"Evangelical support for Israel has increased dramatically in recent years, Christian and Jewish leaders say. Christian groups who view Israel as a fulfillment of God's prophecy are now emphasizing theological ties to Judaism, subsidizing Israeli settlements in the West Bank and building political alliances with pro-Israel Jewish groups."

''There is a divided opinion about the evangelical support of Israel,'' said Rabbi Solomon Schiff, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami ``Some feel that their support may be for the purpose of eventually converting Jews. On the other hand, there are those who feel Israel needs all the support it can get.''


"Vi ønsker å utvikle en bred støtte for den jødiske staten og bryte den Israelske isolasjonen i verden samfunnet. Våre kristne venner forsvarer oss best, fordi de er våre mest naturlige partnere."

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Innlegg: 741
Registrert: 20-12-2005
Bosted: Trondheim
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[*] opprettet den 30-3-2006 kl 23:40

Hm.. Karmel-instituttet tar godt i i sin beskrivelse av situasjonen ja...

som kristne er vi kalt til å hjelpe alle mennesker, og å behandle begge likt..

men Bibelen taler om at Israel skal gjenopprettes på hele området...

likevel er det vel ikke oss kristnes ansvar å gjøre dette, hvis det fører til urettferdighet og ulykke for andre av Guds elskede mennesker..

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Innlegg: 2185
Registrert: 21-7-2003
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[*] opprettet den 31-3-2006 kl 00:53

Opprinnelig postet av mhusoy

men Bibelen taler om at Israel skal gjenopprettes på hele området...

likevel er det vel ikke oss kristnes ansvar å gjøre dette


Neida, dette ordner Gud. Dvs. han gjorde det da han sendte oss Kristus. :bouncing:

[Redigert den 30-3-2006 av gana]
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Innlegg: 2185
Registrert: 21-7-2003
Brukeren er frakoblet

[*] opprettet den 31-3-2006 kl 23:16
Fakta om mennesket

John Hubers:

"Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the great missionary doctor and theologian, wrote a book which turned a critical eye on the many "lives of Christ" which were being published in his day by liberal scholars. What he noted in this book is that the portrayal of Christ in each had less to do with objective scholarship than the philosophical bent of the writer. It was more a self portrait of the author than anything that resembled what we know of Jesus from the biblical account. .

None of us can entirely escape this. Our own life experience does, in fact, shape our perspective of Christ and his message. But sometimes that perspective is so distorted that it no longer bears much resemblance at all to the Christ we know from the Gospels.

Last week Rev. John Hagee was quoted in the Jerusalem Post as saying that America and Israel should mount a pre emptive strike on Iran. Never mind diplomacy. Bring on the bombs! And this is just a mild sampling of the militancy found in the pronouncements and writings of the more extreme wing of the Christian Zionist movement where there is an almost gleeful embracing of an apocalyptic vision which gives us Jesus as the Great Avenger; a divine Dirty Harry. And this isn't just musing in a future tense. This becomes for them a determining vision of the way things are or at least ought to be - the End justifying the means.

What is lost here is the Jesus who teaches us to love our enemies; who died for those who did him wrong. "Blessed are the peacemakers," he said, "for they shall inherit the earth." which at the very least suggests that those who claim allegiance to Him need to share some of these same characteristics.

We all bring something of our own life experience into our interpretation of Christ and His message. What we must not bring is something which so contradicts who the Gospels portray him to be that he becomes something altogether different. When this happens we become something altogether different as well - followers not of Christ, but of our own worst selves. Dirty Harry indeed!"
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